How to Make Input Values Stay with Their Component When It’s Filtered Out from Map?
Image by Amicah -

How to Make Input Values Stay with Their Component When It’s Filtered Out from Map?

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Are you frustrated with your input values disappearing when you filter out their corresponding components from a map? You’re not alone! This common issue has plagued many a developer, but fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to tackle this problem head-on.

Understanding the Problem

When working with React or other JavaScript frameworks, it’s common to render a list of components based on an array of data. Each component might have some input fields, and when the user interacts with them, the input values are stored in the component’s state. However, when you filter out some of these components from the original array, the input values seem to vanish into thin air.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this behavior lies in how React handles component re-renders. When the filtered array changes, React re-renders the components based on the new array. Since the filtered-out components are no longer part of the array, their states are lost, taking the input values with them.

Solution 1: Using a Separate State Array

One approach to tackle this issue is to maintain a separate state array that stores the input values independently of the component array. This way, even when a component is filtered out, its corresponding input value remains in the separate state array.

const [components, setComponents] = useState([
  { id: 1, name: 'Component 1' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Component 2' },
  { id: 3, name: 'Component 3' },

const [inputValues, setInputValues] = useState({});

const handleInputChange = (id, value) => {
  setInputValues((prevValues) => ({ ...prevValues, [id]: value }));

const filteredComponents = components.filter((component) =>'1')); // Filter out components

return (
{ => ( handleInputChange(, value)} /> ))}

In this example, we maintain a separate `inputValues` state array that stores the input values using the component’s ID as the key. When the user interacts with an input field, we update the `inputValues` array accordingly. Even when a component is filtered out, its input value remains in the `inputValues` array.

Solution 2: Using a Higher-Order Component (HOC)

Another approach is to create a Higher-Order Component (HOC) that wraps around your original component, providing a way to preserve the input values even when the component is filtered out.

const withPreservedInputValues = (WrappedComponent) => {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');

  return (props) => (
      onChange={(value) => setInputValue(value)}

const ComponentWithPreservedInputValues = withPreservedInputValues(Component);

const filteredComponents = components.filter((component) =>'1')); // Filter out components

return (
{ => ( ))}

In this example, we create a HOC called `withPreservedInputValues` that wraps around the original `Component`. The HOC maintains its own state for the input value and passes it down to the wrapped component as a prop. This way, even when the component is filtered out, its input value is preserved within the HOC.

Solution 3: Using Redux or a State Management Library

If you’re already using a state management library like Redux or MobX, you can utilize their built-in features to persist input values across component re-renders.

import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

const inputValues = useSelector((state) => state.inputValues);
const dispatch = useDispatch();

const handleInputChange = (id, value) => {
  dispatch({ type: 'UPDATE_INPUT_VALUE', id, value });

const filteredComponents = components.filter((component) =>'1')); // Filter out components

return (
{ => ( handleInputChange(, value)} /> ))}

In this example, we use Redux to store the input values in a centralized state. When the user interacts with an input field, we dispatch an action to update the corresponding input value in the Redux state. Even when a component is filtered out, its input value remains in the Redux state.

Best Practices and Considerations

When implementing one of the above solutions, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Use a unique ID for each component: This ensures that you can correctly associate the input values with their corresponding components, even when filtering occurs.
  • Avoid using component state for critical data: If the input values are crucial to your application’s functionality, consider storing them in a more robust state management system, like Redux or a separate state array.
  • Optimize component re-renders: Minimize unnecessary re-renders by using techniques like memoization, shouldComponentUpdate, or React.memo to improve performance.
  • Test thoroughly: Verify that your solution works as expected, especially when filtering components or updating input values.


And there you have it! With these three solutions, you should be able to make input values stay with their component even when it’s filtered out from a map. Remember to choose the approach that best fits your project’s requirements and complexity. Happy coding, and may the input values be ever in your favor!

Solution Description
Separate State Array Maintain a separate state array to store input values independently of the component array.
Higher-Order Component (HOC) Create a HOC to wrap around the original component, providing a way to preserve input values.
Redux or State Management Library Utilize a state management library like Redux or MobX to persist input values across component re-renders.

Which solution do you think is the most effective? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Here are some answers to your burning questions about keeping input values with their component when it’s filtered out from a map!

Can I use React’s useState hook to persist input values even when the component is filtered out?

Yes, you can! By using React’s useState hook, you can store the input values in the component’s state, and they will persist even when the component is filtered out from the map.

Is it possible to use a global state management system like Redux to store input values?

Absolutely! By using a global state management system like Redux, you can store the input values in a central location, and they will be accessible even when the component is filtered out from the map.

How can I use a ref to store input values?

You can create a ref using React.createRef() and store the input values in the ref. This way, the values will persist even when the component is filtered out from the map.

Can I use a Higher-Order Component (HOC) to persist input values?

Yes, you can! By using a HOC, you can wrap your component with a higher-order component that persists the input values, even when the component is filtered out from the map.

Is it possible to use React’s Context API to store input values?

Yes! By using React’s Context API, you can store the input values in a context, and they will be accessible even when the component is filtered out from the map.

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