Debugging the Frustrating TooManyConnectionsError in asyncpg: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Debugging the Frustrating TooManyConnectionsError in asyncpg: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the annoying TooManyConnectionsError in asyncpg after a few successful test cases? You’re not alone! This frustrating error can bring your application to a halt, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of asyncpg, explore the reasons behind the TooManyConnectionsError, and provide you with actionable steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue once and for all.

What is the TooManyConnectionsError?

The TooManyConnectionsError is an exception raised by asyncpg when the connection pool reaches its maximum capacity, and no connections are available for new queries. This error typically occurs when your application creates too many connections to the database, exceeding the allowed limit.

Why Does the TooManyConnectionsError Occur?

Several factors can contribute to the TooManyConnectionsError in asyncpg. Here are some common culprits:

  • Insufficient connection pool size: If the connection pool is too small, it can quickly become exhausted, leading to the TooManyConnectionsError.
  • Long-running transactions: Transactions that take a long time to complete can block connections, causing the pool to fill up.
  • Unreleased connections: Failing to release connections back to the pool after use can lead to connection starvation.
  • Database server limitations: Some database servers have limitations on the number of concurrent connections, which can trigger the TooManyConnectionsError.

How to Debug the TooManyConnectionsError?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand how to debug the TooManyConnectionsError. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you identify the root cause:

  1. Enable asyncpg logging: Add the following code snippet to enable logging:

    import logging
  2. Check the error message: Analyze the error message to identify the specific error code and message.

  3. Verify connection pool settings: Check your connection pool configuration to ensure it’s properly set up.

  4. Monitor connection usage: Use a tool like `pg_stat_activity` to monitor active connections and identify potential bottlenecks.

  5. Review application code: Inspect your application code to ensure that connections are properly released after use.

Solutions to the TooManyConnectionsError

Now that we’ve identified the root cause, let’s explore the solutions to resolve the TooManyConnectionsError:

1. Increase the Connection Pool Size

One of the simplest solutions is to increase the connection pool size. You can do this by adjusting the `min_size` and `max_size` parameters when creating the asyncpg connection pool:

import asyncpg

async def create_pool():
    return await asyncpg.create_pool(

2. Implement Connection Reuse

Implementing connection reuse can help reduce the number of connections created. You can achieve this by using a connection pool with a context manager:

import asyncpg

async def fetch_data():
    async with asyncpg.create_pool(...) as pool:
        async with pool.acquire() as conn:
            result = await conn.fetch('SELECT * FROM mytable')
            return result

3. Optimize Long-Running Transactions

Optimize long-running transactions by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. This can help reduce the time spent waiting for transactions to complete.

4. Release Connections Properly

Ensure that connections are properly released back to the pool after use. You can do this by using a `try`-`finally` block or a context manager:

import asyncpg

async def fetch_data():
    conn = await pool.acquire()
        result = await conn.fetch('SELECT * FROM mytable')
        return result
        await conn.release()

5. Monitor Database Server Limitations

Be aware of database server limitations and adjust your connection pool settings accordingly. You can check the maximum allowed connections using the following query:

SHOW max_connections;

Best Practices to Avoid the TooManyConnectionsError

To avoid the TooManyConnectionsError in the future, follow these best practices:

Best Practice Description
Use a connection pool Implement a connection pool to manage connections efficiently.
Optimize queries Optimize queries to reduce execution time and minimize the impact on connections.
Use transactions wisely Avoid using long-running transactions and break them down into smaller chunks.
Monitor connections Regularly monitor connection usage to identify potential issues.
Test thoroughly Test your application thoroughly to catch connection-related issues early on.


The TooManyConnectionsError in asyncpg can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can debug and resolve it efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this error and ensure your application runs smoothly.

Remember to implement the solutions and best practices discussed in this article to avoid the TooManyConnectionsError in the future. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with TooManyConnectionsError exceptions from asyncpg? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the TooManyConnectionsError, and why do I keep getting it?

The TooManyConnectionsError is an exception raised by asyncpg when the connection pool reaches its maximum size, and a new connection is requested. This usually happens when your application is creating too many connections to the database, and not closing them properly. It’s like trying to open too many tabs on your browser – eventually, it will slow down and cause issues!

How do I increase the connection pool size to avoid the TooManyConnectionsError?

You can increase the connection pool size by setting the `max_connections` parameter when creating the asyncpg pool. However, be careful not to set it too high, as this can lead to performance issues and even crashes! It’s like trying to fit too many people in a small room – it gets crowded and uncomfortable!

Why do I get the TooManyConnectionsError even after increasing the connection pool size?

Increasing the connection pool size is not a magic solution! If your application is still creating too many connections and not closing them properly, you’ll still hit the connection limit. It’s like having a big house but still keeping all the doors and windows open – it’s still going to get crowded! Make sure to close your connections when you’re done with them, and consider using a connection pooler like PgBouncer.

Can I use asyncpg’s async with statement to ensure connections are closed?

Yes, you can use asyncpg’s async with statement to ensure connections are closed automatically. This is a great way to handle connections and avoid the TooManyConnectionsError. It’s like having a personal assistant to close the door behind you – you don’t have to worry about it! However, make sure to use it correctly, and don’t nest multiple async with statements, as this can lead to performance issues.

What are some best practices to avoid the TooManyConnectionsError in the future?

To avoid the TooManyConnectionsError, make sure to follow best practices like closing connections when you’re done with them, using a connection pooler, and monitoring your connection count. It’s like keeping your room organized – you don’t want clutter building up! Also, consider implementing connection timeouts, and use asyncpg’s built-in connection management features to ensure you’re not creating too many connections.