Unlock the Secret to Unselectable “Please Select…” Option in Contact Form 7
Image by Amicah - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Secret to Unselectable “Please Select…” Option in Contact Form 7

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky “Please select…” options in your Contact Form 7 forms? Do you want to prevent users from selecting it by default? Well, you’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to make that pesky option unselectable.

Why Make “Please Select…” Unselectable?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore why making the “Please select…” option unselectable is a good idea. Here are a few reasons:

  • Reducing confusion**: By making the option unselectable, you’re reducing the chances of users getting confused about what to select.
  • Improving user experience**: An unselectable “Please select…” option ensures that users focus on selecting a valid option, rather than getting stuck on the default.
  • Enhancing form analytics**: By preventing users from selecting the default option, you’ll get more accurate form analytics and insights into user behavior.

The Solution: Using Contact Form 7’s Built-in Features

Contact Form 7 provides a built-in feature to make the “Please select…” option unselectable. You can achieve this by adding a simple attribute to your form tag. Sounds easy, right?

<select name="your-select" id="your-select" aria-invalid="false">
  <option value="" disabled selected>Please select...</option>
  <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="option2">Option 2</option>

In the code above, we’ve added the `disabled` attribute to the “Please select…” option. This tells the browser to make this option unselectable.

What About Plugin-Based Solutions?

While Contact Form 7’s built-in feature is a great solution, you might be looking for a more plugin-based approach. Fear not! There are several plugins that can help you achieve this goal.

Using the Select2 Plugin

Select2 is a popular plugin for enhancing select boxes in Contact Form 7. To make the “Please select…” option unselectable using Select2, you can add the following code:

<select name="your-select" id="your-select" aria-invalid="false">
  <option value="" data-select2-disable>Please select...</option>
  <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="option2">Option 2</option>

In this code, we’ve added the `data-select2-disable` attribute to the “Please select…” option. This tells Select2 to disable this option, making it unselectable.

Using the CF7 Conditional Fields Plugin

Another plugin that can help you achieve this goal is CF7 Conditional Fields. With this plugin, you can add a condition to make the “Please select…” option unselectable.

<select name="your-select" id="your-select" aria-invalid="false">
  <option value="" cf7-conditional-fields-hide>Please select...</option>
  <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
  <option value="option2">Option 2</option>

In this code, we’ve added the `cf7-conditional-fields-hide` attribute to the “Please select…” option. This tells the plugin to hide this option, making it unselectable.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While the solutions above should work like a charm, you might encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
The “Please select…” option is still selectable. Make sure you’ve added the `disabled` attribute to the option. Also, check if any other plugins are overriding the default behavior.
The plugin-based solution is not working. Ensure that you’ve installed and activated the plugin correctly. Also, check the plugin’s documentation for any specific configuration requirements.


Making the “Please select…” option unselectable in Contact Form 7 is a simple yet effective way to improve user experience and reduce confusion. By using Contact Form 7’s built-in features or plugin-based solutions like Select2 and CF7 Conditional Fields, you can achieve this goal with ease.

Remember to test your forms thoroughly to ensure that the solution works as expected. If you encounter any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section above or seek help from the Contact Form 7 community.

Final Thoughts

By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating more user-friendly and effective forms. Don’t forget to experiment with different plugins and solutions to find the one that works best for your needs.

Happy form-building!

Here is the FAQ section on “How do I make my ‘Please select…’ unselectable in Contact Form 7?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble making the default “Please select…” option unselectable in your Contact Form 7? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why do I need to make the “Please select…” option unselectable in the first place?

Making the default option unselectable ensures that users are forced to make a conscious selection, rather than simply submitting the form with the default option. This helps to reduce errors and improve the overall user experience.

How can I modify the default “Please select…” option in Contact Form 7?

You can modify the default option by adding the `first_as_label` attribute to your select field in the form tag. For example: `[select* menu-123 first_as_label “Please select…”]`. This will make the first option a label, rather than a selectable option.

What if I want to use a custom default option, rather than “Please select…”?

No problem! You can specify a custom default option by adding the `first_as_label` attribute, followed by the text you want to display. For example: `[select* menu-123 first_as_label “Select an option below”]`.

Can I make the default option unselectable for other form fields, like radio buttons?

Unfortunately, the `first_as_label` attribute only works for select fields. However, you can use the `default` attribute to specify a default value for radio buttons or other fields. For example: `[radio* my-radio default:item-1 “Option 1” “Option 2” “Option 3”]`.

What if I’m not comfortable with coding or modifying my form tags?

Don’t worry! You can also use a plugin like Contact Form 7 – Select Extension, which provides a user-friendly interface for customizing your select fields, including making the default option unselectable.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.